Aviation Consultant
Dr. The Hoang Nguyen
Jetstar Pacific Airlines Manager of the Year - 2015 – 2018
MBA Valedictorian Postgraduate Award- 2008 – 2011
French Government Full Scholarship for PhD, French Ministry of National Education and Research - 2002 – 2005
French Government Full Scholarship for Master Student (“Eiffel” Scholarship), French Ministry of Foreign Affairs - 2001 – 2002
Argent Medal for Best and Excellent Engineering Undergraduate - 1996 – 2001
Corporate Experience
Visiting Lecturer, Air Transport Management, RMIT University Vietnam (Australia) - 2022 Present
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Aviation Science & Technology (ISSN 2815-5661) - 2021 Present
Chairman of Scientific Committee, Aerospace Engineering Faculty, Vietnam Aviation Academy - 2020 Present
Scientific Committee member, Aeronautical Engineering Department, HCMC University of Technology, Vietnam - 2020 Present
Dean of Faculty, Aerospace Engineering Faculty, Vietnam Aviation Academy (VAA) - 2020 – 2023
Chief Technical Officer (Airline Technical Director), Jetstar Pacific Airlines (JPA) - 2013 – 2020
Director cum. Head of Aviation Services, APAVE Asia Pacific (French) - 2012 – 2015
Project Coordinator, World Bank Funded - German Vietnam University, Project Management Unit (German) - 2010 – 2012
Owner and Director, Global Knowledge (Training and consulting), Vietnam - 2008 – 2010
Head of Department, Lecturer, Aeronautical Engineering Department, HCMC University of Technology, Vietnam - 2005 – 2013
Postdoc researcher, Tokyo University of Science, Japan - 2005 – 2006
Assistant Lecturer, ISAE-ENSMA, French National Aerospace Engineering Grandes Écoles, France - 2002 – 2005
Lecturer, Aeronautical Engineering Department, HCMC University of Technology, Vietnam - 2001 – 2001
Dr. Nguyen The Hoang obtained his PhD in Mechanics, major in Aerospace Structures and Composite Materials, from ISAE-ENSMA, France in 2005. He has got several prestigious academic awards such as Medal for Excellent Aeronautical Undergraduate (2001), French Eiffel Excellent Scholarship (2002), Best MBA Postgraduate of Solvay Brussels School (2010). He has published many scientific papers in prominent international journals and conferences in Aeronautical Engineering and Aviation-related fields since being a PhD research scholar.
To date, Dr. Hoang has more than 16 years working as a lecturer-researcher in well-known aerospace institutions and programs in France, Japan, Australia and Vietnam. In addition, during the last 9 years, he has worked in Aviation industry as senior executive members for global Airlines and consulting firms.
In teaching, Dr. Hoang has interests in numerous subjects from Engineering to Management in Aviation, including but not limited to Aircraft Engineering & Maintenance Management (Technical & Finance); Airline Safety & Quality Management (related subjects); Human Factors in Aviation; Operation Management in Aviation (Airline focus); Airline Network and Fleet; Scientific Research Methodology in Engineering; Aircraft Structures Analysis; Mechanics of Composite Materials; Fracture & Fatigue analysis; Numerical Computation - Finite Element Method;
In research, he currently conducts several interdisciplinary projects in a wide range of areas such as Application of Virtual Reality in Aviation, Optimization and development of digital-based solutions for Airlines’ operations, Safety and Quality Management in Airlines, and Durability of Aircraft structures and composite materials. His key research directions focus on application of emerging technologies (eg. VR/AR, IoT, ML/AI, 3D Printing) in relevant Aviation-related fields.
Academic Qualifications
Doctor of Philosophy in Solid Mechanics (Aeronautical application) - ISAE-ENSMA, French National Aerospace Engineering Grandes Écoles , France
Master of Science in Mechanics (Major: Structures, Robotics, Tribology, Photomechanics) - ISAE-ENSMA, French National Aerospace Engineering Grandes Écoles , France
Master of Business Administration (Major: Strategic Management) - Universite Libre de Bruxelle - Solvay Business School, HCM , Belgium
Specialist Engineering Diploma in Structures and Materials for Aeronautics and Transportation - ISAE-ENSMA, French National Aerospace Engineering Grandes Écoles , France
Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering - HoChiMinh City University of Technology , Vietnam
Professional Certifications
Emergency Planning and Response for Airlines (IATA) - IATA (International Air Transport Association)
Human Factors in Aircraft Maintenance - Australian Jetstar Group
Aviation Legislation, Aviation Compliance Auditing in an EASA Environment, Safety Management System - SOFEMA (EASA Part 147 ATO)
Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 - APAVE Asia Pacific (France)
Aircraft V2500 Engine Familiarization - Lufthansa Training (Germany)
Airline Planning - Boeing
Research Interests
Optimization and development of digital-based solutions for Airlines’ operations and management
Applications of emerging technologies in Aviation and Aircraft design (VR/AR, IoT, ML/AI, 3D Printing)
Durability of Aircraft structures and composite materials
Human factors, Safety and Quality Management in Aviation
Past Projects
Virtual Reality (V.R) technology in Aircraft Maintenance – An application in Aircraft Maintenance Training - 2023 – 2024 - Funded by Ministry of Transportation of Vietnam. Role: Project Leader
Digitalizing aircraft maintenance tasks – Application in the procedure of Removal of Nose Landing Wheel of an Aircraft - 2022 – 2024 - Funded by Vietnam Aviation Academy, 2022. Role: Team Leader
EASA Part-145 Certification Consultancy, VAECO (Vietnam Airlines) - 2013 – 2014 - Commercial Project funded by VAECO (Vietnam Airlines, Ref. APS/T&D/813043/2013). Role: Project Director
Design of ultralight aircraft VAM-2 - 2007 – 2008 - Funded by Vietnam Mechanical Engineering Association. Role: Technical Team Leader
Journal Papers
Nguyen The Hoang, Denys Gamby, Marie-Christine Lafarie-Frénot, "Loading rate effect on matrix transverse cracking in aeronautical CFRP composite laminates", Research Report, Laboratoire de Mécanique et de Physique des Matériaux (2015), hal-03641982
Hoang N.T., Gamby D., Lafarie-Frenot M-C., "Predicting fatigue transverse crack growth in cross-ply carbon-epoxy laminates from quasi static strength tests by using isodamage curves", International Journal of Fatigue (2010), doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2009.02.045
Nguyen T.H. and Gamby D., “Effects of nonlinear viscoelastic behaviour and loading rate on transverse cracking in CFRP laminates”, Composites Science and Technology 67 (2007) 438–452.
Lafarie-Frenot M.C., Gamby D. and Nguyen T.H., “Experimental and numerical analysis of loading rate and temperature effects on matrix cracking in CFRP laminates”, Journal of Materials-Design and Applications 218 (2004) 47-53.
L.T.T.Nhung and N.T.Hoang, “Fiber stacking sequence effects on impact damage dimensions”, Journal of Aviation Science & Technology 1 (2022) 33-36
N.T.H.Hang, L.T.P.Linh, N.T.Hoang, “The Aviation Safety Culture and The Assessment Tool: A context of Vietnam”, Journal of Aviation Science & Technology 1 (2022) 43-49
NGUYEN K T, NGUYEN T Hoang, NGUYEN H.H, "Optimizing Re-planning Strategy Regarding the Airplane's Rosters in Case of Disruptions in Airlines Industry - The Case of An Airline in Vietnam", The International Conference on Aviation Future: Challenges and Solutions (AFCS 2023), HCMC Vietnam
NGUYEN T Hoang, LUU V Thuan, "Virtual Reality in aircraft maintenance: application to an Airbus aircraft system", The International Conference on Aviation Future: Challenges and Solutions (AFCS 2023), HCMC Vietnam
Nguyen The Hoang, Luu V Thuan, "Aircraft Maintenance Practices using Virtual Reality", International Symposium on Aircraft Technology, MRO & Operations (ISATECH 2023) - Industrial Sessions, Hanoi, Vietnam
Preetwant Singh, Nguyen The Hoang, "Development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Industry in Asia", International Symposium on Aircraft Technology, MRO & Operations (ISATECH 2023) - Industrial Sessions, Hanoi, Vietnam
NGUYEN T Hoang and LUU V Thuan, "Digitalizing aircraft maintenance tasks using Virtual Reality: Application in Nose Landing Gear Wheel Removal Procedure", Proceedings of The SouthEast Asia Workshop on Aerospace Engineering (SAWAE 2022), HCMC Vietnam
Nguyen T.H., Gamby D., Lafarie-Frenot M.C., “Relationship between constant strain-rate and fatigue cracking curves for aeronautical carbon/epoxy laminates”, The Fourth International Conference on Fatigue of Composites (ICFC-4), IVW in Kaiserslautern, September 2007, Germany.
Nguyen T.H., Gamby D., Lafarie-Frenot M.C., “Effect of loading rate on matrix transverse cracking in aeronautical CFRP composite laminates”, Proceedings of the BK21 GSNU-IJUHCMUT International Symposium on Transport Vehicle Engineering, December 2006, HCM City, Vietnam.
Nguyen T.H., Gamby D., Lafarie-Frenot M.C., “Influence of frequency on matrix transverse cracking in CFRP cross-ply laminates under fatigue loading”, the 9th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE-9), November 2005, Tokyo, Japan.
Nguyen T.H., Gamby D., Lafarie-Frenot M.C. and Gardin C., “Matrix cracking evolution in crossply laminates subjected to fatigue loading”, Proceedings of the 14th French National Days on Composite Materials (JNC-14), March 2005, Compiègne, France.
Nguyen T.H., Lafarie-Frenot M.C., Gamby D., “Influence of loading rate on transverse ply crack growth in aeronautical CFRP laminates”, Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM-11), 31 May - 3 June 2004, Rhodes, Greece.
Nguyen T.H., Gamby D., Lafarie-Frenot M.C., “Influence of loading rate on cracking in an aeronautical laminate”, Proceedings of the Conference “Composites 2003”, October 2003, Paris, France.